Reflexive writing is a purposeful self-reflective practice where writing is used as a tool to heal, grow or create. It’s not about writing well; it’s about writing for well-being.

Innings Gate Co. has offered reflexive writing workshops since 2014, from Toronto to Yellowknife! In these intimate group settings, participants learn what reflexive writing is and how to apply it to their lives, as well as gain hands-on experience in this expressive art. Shifting focus from craft to care allows both Writers and Non-Writers alike to enjoy the writing process without pressure to “publish or perish”! This reflective practice can be used for myriad purposes: from preventing workplace burnout to fostering creative growth.
Facilitated by Carolyn Grisold, M.A., these workshops can be custom-delivered for workplaces, community groups or special events, and delivered virtually or in-person. Some of our partners include Toronto Public Library, Hamilton Public Library, Art Gallery of Hamilton, Boomerang, NorthWords Writers’ Festival, Back Lane Studios, Culture Days and Hamilton Arts Week.

Photo by Samantha Stuart Photography Inc.
Current workshops include:
Creativity Unlocked, the signature reflexive writing workshop from IGCo.! Customized to address the needs of your organization or group, these workshops incorporate writing therapy resources such as Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, Gillie Bolton’s The Writer’s Key, Danielle LaPorte’s Fire-Starter Sessions, and Byron Katie’s “The Work.” Reflexive writing is an expressive art that is accessible and gets results. A great way to inspire your work team with a creative lunch-n-learn, help your writers group work through blocks, or balance your community’s action with some reflection.
Bottled Poetry, a customizable workshop where participants will be guided through a tasting of wines (or beer/spirits) by a winery (or brewery/distillery) staff member, after which an Innings Gate Co. facilitator will show everyone how they can turn those notes into a poem – with no writing experience required. We will use purposeful self-reflective (also known as “reflexive”) writing practice to craft poetry that unlocks creativity and promotes wellbeing. Our “Bottled Poetry” workshop is a fun way to infuse creativity into a special events calendar in any season. No writing experience is required; all guests need is pen and paper – you provide the wine.
Writing Naturally, an immersive experience that combines forest bathing with reflective writing practice! It has been proven that spending time in nature reduces stress and allows our minds to relax – so just imagine what inspiration may strike in that mindful state! Together we will meander through forests or parks, pausing to reflect on our surroundings and on the page. We will read and respond to nature poetry, and even write some of our own. Please note that these workshops take place outdoors; consider the weather and accessibility of the terrain before booking.
The Artist’s Way Unlocked, an immersive 12-week program that follows the guidance of Julia Cameron’s life-changing classic, The Artist’s Way. This workshop is for you if you want an ongoing commitment to creativity and the benefit of regular accountability and group encouragement to continue. You do not need to be familiar with The Artist’s Way to take this course, but a basic understanding helps. Together we will apply the Basic Tools laid out in The Artist’s Way (morning pages, artist dates and weekly walks), practice some of the weekly exercises, engage in introspective writing, and discuss the importance of creativity and reflection in our everyday lives.
Introduction to The Artist’s Way, a sneak-peek into Julia Cameron’s iconic guide to creative rediscovery. Participants will gain an understanding of the Basic Tools – morning pages, artist dates and weekly walks – as well as learn how to interpret key concepts such as the Great Creator, synchronicity and U-turns. A few examples of reflexive writing are undertaken. This is the workshop for you if you’ve never read The Artist’s Way but always wondered about it – or if it’s been a while and you want a refresher on its Basic Principles. Standalone workshops that introduce the full Artist’s Way Unlocked program, this is a great way to kick-start your creative recovery using one of the most trusted resources out there.
The Artist’s Way for Retirees, also known as It’s Never Too Late to Begin Again. In this 12-week program by the ‘Queen of change,’ Julia Cameron adds memoir writing to her three Basic Tools – Morning Pages, Artist Dates & Weekly Walks – to create a program that’s specifically geared towards “discovering creativity and meaning at midlife and beyond.” Through reigniting a sense of wonder, freedom, connection and purpose, you will be guided to piece together the story of your life in weekly installments. A great course for any creative soul who fears they’re too old to start something new. (Spoiler alert: you’re not!)
Walking in This World, the sequel to The Artist’s Way. Complementing the two Basic Tools introduced in Julia Cameron’s original program – morning pages and artist dates – Walking in This World adds a third, weekly walks, into our artist’s toolkit. For 12 weeks we will learn practical strategies for creativity, from Discovering a Sense of Origin, through to Discovering a Sense of Dignity. Other reflective topics covered include perspective, adventure, boundaries, momentum, resiliency, camaraderie and authenticity.
Special Events, which will be held on an ad hoc basis, include seasonal or themed workshops, one-off guest appearances, collaborations and more! Click the link to find out more!