Introduction to The Artist’s Way

Here is your sneak-peek into Julia Cameron’s iconic guide to creative rediscovery.

New Year’s Day…a great time to begin! If you’ve ever wanted to learn about this 12-week program, need help getting started – or encouragement to keep going – here is the class for you!

This intimate workshop is an introduction to Julia Cameron’s life-changing guide to creative rediscovery, “The Artist’s Way.” Participants will learn how to use Cameron’s three Basic Tools: morning pages (purposeful self-reflective writing), artist dates (expeditions or play dates with your inner child), and solo weekly walks.

You will practice some of the exercises and tasks laid out in The Artist’s Way, learn how to interpret key terms such as synchronicity, shadow artists and believing mirrors, and discuss the role creativity plays in all our lives.

Participants will receive informative handouts and introspective questionnaires to take away.

Friday January 1st, 2021
$40 ~ Just have pen & paper with you.

Click here to register today!