
The Artist’s Way – 25th Anniversary Edition

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

Julia Cameron invented the way people renovate the creative soul. 
The New York Times

“The Artist’s Way” Starter Kit $40

The Artist’s Way plus a journal!

The Artist’s Way Starter Kit includes Cameron’s two most important Artist’s Way tools-The Artist’s Way and The Artist’s Way Morning Pages Journal-bound together for a bargain price.

It’s Never Too Late to Begin Again $24

An Artist’s Way Program for Retirees and Other Creative Souls

The book you hold in your hands is the distillate of a quarter century’s teaching. It is my attempt to answer, ‘What next?’ for students who are embarking on their ‘second act.’

Julia Cameron

Books on Journaling for Mental Health

Check out Indigo-Chapters’ great selection of books on writing therapy.

Creativity Cards

A beautifully designed deluxe collection of 64 full-color cards that convey the feel and essence of Julia Cameron’s life-transforming bestseller, The Artist’s Way

The Kindness Journal: 6 Minutes A Day To Your Happiest You

The Kindness Journal is a simple yet powerful tool to help you break unhealthy negative thought patterns, prime your mindset to positive moments, and take self-optimizing actions.

The Muses Among Us: Eloquent Listening and Other Pleasures of the Writer’s Craft

Available at

This is a great resource by American scholar and writer Kim Stafford. He is the director of Northwest Writing Institute at Lewis & Clark College. There is an amazing quote in this book that gives incredible perspective-changing advice to all artists with just a simple line:

What is the best you can do with the best you have? The answer, now, will not come from your teachers. The answer will not come from me. The answer will come from your pain, trying to find out. Your path to your art is your art.

Kim Stafford, The Muses Among Us (page 116)