WagJag Express: an instant gratification app

As you know, group buying sites like Groupon and WagJag have been duelling it out for your mass-market manpower, but after today, WagJag has just blown Groupon out of the water.

WagJag Express is the first app of its kind in Canada: it uses location-based GPS technology on your iPhone to pop up deals happening RIGHT NOW where you are. Their slogan is: Deals. Whenever You Want. Wherever You Are. And for good measure; businesses (“merchants”) that sign up with this program are able to reach out to a much wider consumer audience that won’t hesitate on these purchases. The deals on WagJag Express have a much shorter shelf-life than your usual WagJag.com offerings. It’s an incredible chance to save– but he who hesitates is, undoubtedly, lost.

So, say for example you and your coworker have escaped the confines of your office and are roaming the Financial District wanting to find something different for lunch. And pay day is a week away so you also want to save your dough. With WagJag Express you could just whip out your iPhone and the app would show you what lunch specials were happening in your area! Instant gratification! Money saved! Business exchanged! It’s a win-win.

Tomorrow (Wednesday August 3rd) the WagJag Express app is available for download. To celebrate the launch, WagJaggers will be hitting the streets of Toronto, handing out free coffee, ice cream and hotdogs to everyone who downloads the app right then. And why not? It’s free too!

Look for the street team starting at 7am near King & University, moving around the downtown core throughout the rest of the day. Be sure to pop by one of the following areas at some point tomorrow (hint, hint): King & Portland, King & Brant, King & Bay, Queen & Bay, Bay & Dundas, Yonge & Dundas, and Union Station. There will also be many a lime-green clad ambassador handing out swag, riding around on lime-green bikes.

Also, because it’s the launch and because WagJag is a nice, caring company – for every download of the app tomorrow, WagJag will donate $1 to The Stop Community Food Centre, a non-profit food bank and sustainable food systems educator!

And speaking of $1… for the entire month of August there will be ONE DOLLAR DEALS on WagJag Express! Some examples include $1 Chicken Pad Thai from Thai One On, $1 burger combo at Jetsun’s Juicy Burger, and even $1 tickets to the Second City! That is amazing.

Okay, I need to go to bed now so tomorrow will come sooner.

About WagJag: As one of the largest group-buying sites in Canada, WagJag.com offers deals on everything from restaurants to spa services to adventures and more. By bringing together a mass group of people with combined purchasing power, WagJag offers up to 90% off your favourite stores, products and services. For more information on WagJag and WagJag Express, click here.

p.s. Um, have you seen Jaunt.ca yet? Incredible deals on getaways. Fancy a little jaunt to the Old Mill Spa in Toronto, ARC The.Hotel in Ottawa, The Burrard in Vancouver, or Hotel Nelligan in Montreal? WagJag has you covered! Loving it.