TGIM: What gets me through the week

Tonight is The Bachelor night. This is amazing because not only did I remember that it is coming on, but I remembered that today is Monday! (I usually forget, and that’s why I miss it. When you work freelance, there’s really no such thing as a “weekday” and a “weekend.”) Luckily I will not be swayed to instead watch W Network’s Come Dine With Me marathon because they no longer air the original U.K. version. THIS IS NOT GOOD. The Canadian version SUCKS and the British version is HILARIOUS. Or at least Dave Lamb is.

ANYWAY, the show’s starting and I need to pay attention to the cat fights– I mean, the totally realistic drama.

In preparation of the good watchin’s, I forced myself to brave the elements (snow storm) and hoofed it to the corner grocer for some snackiepoos. Was feeling all mopey so decided to spoil self and get Hagen Daazs, cola beverage, and Doritos. AND THEN I SAW IT.


This is the best news EVER because Cherry Coke has been my fav cola beverage since I was a kid and the fact that they (the Coca-Cola Beverage Company) keep teasing me with selling it in Canada and then taking it away – well, that is just CRUEL.

My first memory of drinking Cherry Coke was pre- age 5. I’m sure that sounds like horrid parenting on the ‘rents part, but back in the late ’70s, early ’80s it was quite normal. My parents love telling the story of how, asleep in the back of their car on the way home from a certain Miniature Village, one of them cracked open a can of pop – at the sound of which I immediately woke straight up demanding WHERE’S MY POP!? I was maybe two years old. Early bloomer. Clearly. Or the time I was one-and-a-half and would order my own McDonald’s (hamburger, fries, and a chocolate milkshake). I’m sure you’re suprised that such a healthy eater as moi was once a Happy Meal consumer, but ’tis true. Also obviously a genius. I like to say I peaked at age six. Ha.

Okay, I am totally not paying attention to The Bachelor right now. Stupid memory lane!

Here’s the bad-for-me snacks that I will now devour alongside the cheese that Citytv generously provides for the next two hours.

Mmm… cheese.



ps. If I was in a Bachelor Fantasy Pool, I would pick the blonde whose hubby died in the plane crash to make it to the final two, but I don’t think he will pick her. They never pick the good match. He’ll probably propose to the funeral director or the chick with the underbite. LAME.