I love you, Lula Mae

That’s right, I’m just crazy about Tiffany’s!

I don’t remember the first time I saw Breakfast at Tiffany’s, or read the novella by Truman Capote. I know I saw the movie before reading the book, and I would guess these things happened circa 2006. I do, however, recall the first time I heard of it: in highschool English class, during a discussion about book-to-film adaptations. I did my report on ‘Circle of Friends’ (as was the style at the time), but a girl in class did BaT and it always intrigued me. Not to so much to see the film nor to read the book – I cannot explain why I wouldn’t have wanted to – but because the girl who did the report was soooo not like Holly Golightly in the least. She was butchy, and unrefined, and clearly had no interest whatsoever in style.

I don’t remember what my classmate actually said about the adaptation, but I will always think of her and wonder whenever I see the film or read the book. Which I do a few times a year. (I will also always cry when Holly throws Cat out into the rain, and also when I hear ‘Moon River.’)

Recently, on my birthday, I had the film looping (muted) during my cocktail party. Mainly this was to get me in the mood for my present to self: a midnight titanium 1837 T&CO signature ring to replace my two hematite rings that shattered earlier this Autumn in an unfortunate fruitfly whacking incident (wound too fresh to tell more).

ANYHOO, okay so I’ve got the ring. My first ever Tiffany’s purchase! (Again, why I wait for these things is beyond me. Well, other than the poverty of course! Har, har.) But then, for me always, when it rains it pours, since my Momsies has gotten me a Tiffany key for my Christmas prezzie! (Will act surprised.) It’s an old-timey key, in honour of Innings Gate Co. but I just couldn’t decide on its necklace. To me, anyway, Tiffany’s delicate chains do not compliment the heavier keys. Maybe they look appropriate with the sparkly keys, but not with the classic vintage-style key I selected. Nonetheless, I had my eye on a Tiffany blue twist cord earlier this year, and I wondered if it would be right for my key. But oh, golly gee damn! I couldn’t find it listed on their website! Only the black cord was there. I emailed the sales associate who helped me and my Momsies, only to be informed that the blue cord was discontinued and consequently unavailable. Devastation!

BUT ALAS! like Holly Golightly always says, “Isn’t Tiffany’s just wonderful?… The quietness and the proud look of it; nothing very bad could happen to you there.”

And, lo and behold, my lovely sales associate hunted down a blue cord and called last night to say she has placed it on hold for me!

Will post photos after Christmastime.

Yay! Nothing bad can happen to me now.
