Event: Canadian Opera Company + Raconteurs = musings on love lost

On March 14th and 15th, Raconteurs partners with the Canadian Opera Company to promote their opera, The Tales Of Hoffmann, running April 10th to May 14th, 2012.

These special events will take place at No One Writes to the Colonel (460 College Street) and feature stories inspired by the themes of the opera. Light refreshments and a special Hoffman cocktail will be available for purchase. Tickets to the operas will be on sale at discounted prices for audience members, and a couple lucky attendees will receive free pairs of tickets to the opera.

On each night, amateur and professional storytellers – including members of the COC – will rhapsodize on a theme related to the opera. Hear stories of “Love Lost”on Wednesday March 14, and “The Muse” on Thursday March 15. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., and the show will begin at 7:30 p.m.

From the COC website:

“A drunken poet sits at a bar, recalling his lost loves to his fellow drinkers. But this is no ordinary barfly: Hoffmann is a writer of fantastical fables. As he spins his dark reminiscences, they come to life before us and resonate with a universal truth. Hoffmann embodies the archetype of every tortured artist, torn between his search for love and the demands of his creative muse.”

Tickets are available online at Brown Paper Tickets for $12.