Instant happiness and a new ‘do, courtesy of WagJag Express!

Yesterday I was having ONE. OF. THOSE. DAYS. Cancelled two offers for drinks with friends so that I could go home and curl up in the fetal position. But then I saw it, like a glimmer of light on a dark night… a WagJag Express deal for a haircut, colour, blowdry & style at Adrienne Foley Spa in Yorkville. For $80. SOLD!

Adrienne Foley Spa on Hazelton Lane, Yorkville…ask for Pina!

The cowhide rug that inspired my colour…

And the final do! Yay!

Thank you, Pina and WagJag Express, for turning my frown upside down.

What #expressdollardeals did you pick up on Wednesday? Coco loves her some instant gratification.

Ciao for now,


Movie: ‘Midnight in Paris’… Je l’adore!

I found this movie pleasantly surprising. I hadn’t known much about it, other than that it was Woody Allen’s latest, it stared Owen Wilson and Rachel McAdams (apparently we went to York University at the same time), and that it was set in gay Paris. So, when the film took a fantastic twist a short ways in, I was taken aback– literally, to literary Paris of the 1920s.

It was a welcome twist, for two reasons:

1. I had a time warp experience early that evening, over a bottle of Molson Export Ale with a friend at Duffy’s Tavern. The bar was sparsely littered with ancient regulars, Depression-era jazz softly playing from the jukebox, when the bartender (who was born in the 1930s) produced a page of The Evening Telegram, dated November 12th, 1936. So I was in an old-timey mood.

“Business is better, reports President Bankers’ Association”

2. I got the jokes. Let’s just say if you haven’t read Hemingway’s “A Moveable Feast,” go pick up a copy from your local used bookstore before you see the flick. It will help. I have a copy from the infamous Shakespeare & Co. in Paris that a friend lent me, then told me I could keep (yay!). I also have a dog-eared copy of Morley Callaghan’s “That Summer in Paris: Memories of tangled friendships with Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and some others” that I’ve yet to read. Oh, and you could freshen up your art history a bit too before heading to the local Cineplex: Dali, Toulouse-Lautrec, and Picasso all make appearances. Woody Allen clearly knows his stuff. The characters were so authentique as they say. And the music! As always with Woody’s films, it was great. I once saw Woody perform with his jazz band in Naples, Florida. How very!

La Belle Époque was also featured (albeit briefly) in the film; the lesson here being of the-grass-isn’t-always-greener-on-the-other-side genre.

Paris: a rainy day by Gustave Caillebotte (1877)

In “Midnight in Paris,” Owen Wilson’s character Gil kept saying how much he loved Paris in the rain. As a rain afficionado myself, I completely agree. And when I left the theatre– lo and behold, it was raining! Yay! All in all, a great night.

I highly recommend this film for any francophile, literati, gliterati, jazzy, history buff. Or fans of good cinema in general.

Two charming thumbs up!


$1 Deals from WagJag Express!

What are you having for lunch today?

Attention all deal hunters! Today (Wednesday August 17th) and next week (Wednesday August 24th) WagJag’s newest innovation, WagJag Express, will be offering $1 deals! Yes, you read that correctly. You can purchase amazing deals on food & drink, spa services, fitness classes, and more… for the low, low price of ONE DOLLAR!

Here’s some of the offerings for today – but only between 11am and 2pm – so ACT FAST:

$1 for a Butter Chicken Lunch (Dine-In) at Sher-E-Punjab (a $10.95 value)

$1 for No Sweat Laundry Detergent at Moksha Yoga Danforth (a $10 value)

$1 for any burrito at Z-Teca (an $8.75 value)

$1 for underarm waxing at Caesar Spa (a $10 value)

$1 for a 15-minute tan at Forever Tanned (a $9.99 value)

…AND MORE! Click here for details! You can also follow the convo on Twitter with @WagJagExpressTO or #expressdollardeals.

If you missed my previous blog post on WagJag Express’ launch, basically this is an innovative opportunity from the dealmakers at WagJag that uses GPS technology to bring you deals happening RIGHT NOW, where you are. The app is free to download (only available on iPhone at the mo, but you can access the deals on their website from any mobile device). I think this is pure genius! Everyone loves instant gratification!

Methinks a burrito for lunch today… ;o)

Ciao for now,


Wine: 2009 Henri Bourgeois Petit Bourgeois Sauvignon Blanc

This delightful white wine from the slopes of the Loire Valley is made by the trusted Sauvignon Blanc producer, Henri Bourgeois. Lively, zesty fruit bouquet of pear and apricot, mineral base, round in the mouth with an apple-butter aftertaste. At $14.95 for 750mL, it would be a great hostess gift for a summer dinner party. Pairing well with seared sea scallops, veal chops, partridge terrine, or mild semi-firm cheese such as gouda. I would also serve it with a mâche salad dressed with Champagne vinaigrette, or even a goat’s cheese cheesecake topped with passionfruit jam. Tonight I enjoyed my glass of Petit Bourgeois Sauv Blanc with an oven-roasted organic pork sausage from Rowe Farms.

Available now in LCBO Vintages (Product #672345).

À votre santé,
