Recipe: Mushroom and seafood quiches

It’s Boxing Day. I am not shopping. Not that I don’t want anything (i.e. humidifier, cast iron pan, new Uggs, long warm winter coat, second cat), I am just “saving my money” for Boxing Day 2011. Yeah, that’s it. Sigh.

ANYHOO, I decided to make some quiches with my Momsies that I can take back to Toronto and freeze, so that when I have guests over for din din or brunch, I can just whip one out and warm it up, add some bitter greens tossed in balsamic & oil, et voila! Un dejeuner rapidement! :-D

I made two flavours: mini bellas with fresh oregano & aged cheddar; and, shrimp with herbed goat’s cheese (I despise the word “chevre”). My mom made one with ham, mushroom & onion, but since I am giving up pork for New Year’s, I declined to add any delicious sauteed ham to mine. For those who know me, you must be flabergasted at reading that I’m giving up pork. But then you will quickly recall that my love of self-denial is greater than my love of all things cochon.

Mushroom Quiche with Mini Bellas, Fresh Oregano and Aged White Cheddar

Seafood Quiche with Shrimp, Herbed Goat’s Cheese and Dill Weed


for the mushroom quiche
3/4 packet sliced mini bellas, sauteed until golden brown (as Julia Child said, “Don’t crowd your mushrooms!”)
*I put some Club House vegetable seasoning on the shrooms
1 sprig of fresh oregano (leaves only)
3/4 cup grated aged white cheddar

for the seafood quiche
14 small-to-medium shrimp, lightly fried
1/2 small packet of herbed goat’s cheese
1/4 tsp dried dill weed (fresh would overpower the dried herbs on the cheese)

for both
4 farm eggs from my Aunt’s neighbour in Speyside (I don’t use factory eggs because they make my stomach hurt)
3/4 cup half-and-half cream
2 ready-made pie crusts

to cook
Pre-bake the crusts, piercing them with a fork so they don’t bubble up
Mix the eggs and cream, add S&P
After letting the baked crusts cool, layer your toppings nicely into them
Pour over the egg mixture
Bake on a cookie sheet for 25mins at 425 degrees
Let stand (they will firm up)

Then either consume greedily, or let cool and freeze (wrap in cellophane and then foil or Ziplock baggie to fend off freezer burn). I always like to eat my quiche with salad because the bitter greens and vinegar cut the richness of the eggs, cream and cheese. But that’s up to you. I also top mine with hot sauce, which I know my friend SP in London will greatly approve of! Oh, and always serve your quiche alongside a nice sparkling wine.

