Presents! Family! Movies! Mexican Dip! Wiener Dog!

A few snapshots from Christmas Day with the fam in Milton…

Woke up to reminents of last week’s snow. Jealous of white Christmases in the U.K.

Bailey begs for the milk in my tea.

Over at my brother J and sister-in-law M’s house for prezzies. Funny how the year of “no gifts” results in a nicely stocked tree.

First snack to be destroyed: MEXICAN DIP!!! Yay!

Everyone else had egg nog. I had Rickard’s White.

Hungry, hungry dachshund.

Who could say no to this face?

What about now?

Since we watch it every year, and since our last name is Grisold, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation holds a special place in our hearts. This hilarious gift to my Dad was courtesy of my sister L, brother J, and sister-in-law M.

What’s this? A little blue box under the tree pour moi!?

Yay! My key!

Later, after watching Christmas Vacation and Elf, pigging out on M&M’s assorted puff pastry hors d’oeuvres (we opted for no turkey today), and a few more drinkipoos, we all headed our separate ways: L back to Rockwood, J & M to the in-laws in Acton, me and the rents to their house. Time for some acidophillus and a tea. Oh, and Bailey finally got his bone.

…And to all a good night!
