And so the legacy begins…

It was my birthday on 13 November, and one of my b-day resolutions is to blog regularly. Et voila, here is Coco Hobo: The Blog. I already have been active on Coco Hobo: The Twitter Feed, so maybe the segue to longform online writing will be quick and painless. Nonetheless, I don’t really have anything exciting to say today, except that I made a delicious brunch that I shall share with you:

Two poached eggs on a bed of arugula, with hobo hollandaise (a.k.a. Thousand Island dressing, I kid you not, it’s so versatile!) and ruby red grapefruit slices. And yes, that is a Starbucks sippy cup of water. Leftovers from my walk in High Park yesterday.

Speaking of High Park, because I just can’t do things the easy way, I am starting two blogs simultaneously: this, and “TreeSixtyFive” a diary in the life of a tree. Basically photographing the seasonal transformation of my favourite tree in High Park. [Note to Self: find out what species said tree be!]

You can find my tree blog here.

Also, I am beginning research on a website dedicated to beer,, which should be up and running by the end of the year! :o) The Beave is a subsidary of my communications agency, Innings Gate Co., and I am as excited to create it as I hope its viewers will be to read it!

Well, until next time.
